Suddenly the light of the truth jumps from poetry into reality, and all might has lost organised criminality, never mind dark arts heresy, as once too often bribery has come at lives cost, and no longer silent stay the victims of ritual knives! By Sigrid von Galen

Suddenly the light of the truth jumps 
from poetry into reality, and all might has lost
organised criminality, never mind dark arts heresy,
as once too often bribery has come at lives cost,
and no longer silent stay the victims of ritual knives!

By Sigrid von Galen

Suddenly the light of the truth jumps 
from poetry into reality from around the corner 
and shines bright on even darkest matter 
and no longer poisoned are wines and 
acknowledged the truth and nothing but the truth 
will be spoken by the latest arrested court arrivals 
to the latter, 

as their own lives are now 
by their own secret societies 
held as a token, and the evildoers afraid 
not anymore of a raid on their black rose shore
but of their freemasonry and other ritual knives!

When the light of the truth shines with all its might 
on all dark matters of lies, suddenly on the run 
from their own hatred and gun are the mercenaries 
and flee from their own shadow in fright! 

Simply tell the truth and remove thus a silencing spell, 
and let the liar and blackrose briar under a hood 
eat his own poisoned food and drink 
their own Judas cup and let all hell on the loose know:

'Time is up! No more of your golden goose shore lore 
and over from Rome to Dover is your by 
insider dealing money laundering smokescreen show!' 

And suddenly nowhere to be found is any masked 
scarecrow! And even in cyberspace lands 
the truth on the ground, when emerges that 
evidence has been in paper documents 
for organised criminality and bribery found, 
when a forensic hacker had enough to be bitten 
by his backer's bloodhound!'

Sigrid E. von Galen

@Sigrid Agocsi Consultancy
