Romani Rose - perseverance works! By Sigrid von Galen

Romani Rose - perseverance works!

By Sigrid von Galen 

To stand up for the voiceless, the vulnerable, the marginalised and to protect them from constantly being subjected to harm, hate crimes, and from being framed and falsely blamed and wrongly shamed is a task that requires integrity, great perseverance, and to lead by example with one's own family! 

After all, it is never much noted that the true Sinti, like Romani Rose, walk on a path that is free of wrath, and ever peaceful in intent and just, and it does not compromise on the truth that is shielded
against the attacks of evildoers with many smokescreens, verbally and culturally! 

And by following Jesus Christ's footsteps they go, whereever their conscience as their guiding star sends them and they obey their one good God, who provides them with the truth, for which they suffer unspeakably but voluntarily at times even in the face of greatest crimes against humanity, including them, selflessly!

And thus, wherever a Sinti goes, he has his house=his conscience and soul in order, as he rather moves yet across again another border than to commit himself a foul and he refuses bribery and property, if it is offered in hypocrisy and as an alibi for accepting even future woes committed by yet another greed and power obsessed hidden and forbidden hierarchy, who with their every secret society foes in the guise of local Sinti steal and murder under masks, and who blame poison and knives and guns and drugs smuggled in mass wine casks again then on the new Sinti community!

The Sinti know only too well about the many trappings and secret mind mappings of many a man-made and chessboard and political gambling hell, and they have also been ethnically exposed to torture, human trafficking and organised criminality and have been suffering silently in many an anonymous crypt or illegal laboratory and sent 'into the big silence' under a bell also of many a secretly fascist training facility and centre of terrorists and activists of all sorts via a religious disguise hierarchy, and who all used the same conveniently 'silent' order and monastery, or even the framework of an elite university!

Who would believe a Sinti or Roma, who has seen even Josef Ratzinger or Jorge Bergoglio himself with black SS-boots even as a young man under his cassock?! And as an older man shouting
commands to his fascist recruits, who had hidden their forbidden new fourth empire order designed by Paris fashion a la a Hamburg bespoke tailor mode gear under habits and hoods across the French border?!

As the gaps between Herrn Ratzinger and Senor Bergoglio and Monsieur Lefebvre were not at all wide but their new fascist empire under Vatican disguise's maps the same, and they both already did via freemasonry and Templars money vaults and Wall Street knights manipulation and insider trades stacks of cash and of looting and piratery hide.

There are fortunately more victims alive and able to turn on the Vatican secrets the table, even with the help of whistleblowers within the hierarchy, who know, what was covered up and sold as fable,
as they testify also now from within its spiderwebs,as suddenly awoken have the kin of the murdered cardinals, who were opposed to the fourth empire lore and actively defied the Nazi-shore secretly, and so, it is now in the third and fourth generation of the meek and lowly to teach that truth is not a fable but the Vatican's organised criminality and crimes against humanity a harsh reality and all, who do not stand up to its evil are guilty as partners-in-crime, and are dangerous associations, especially as a sponsored Catholic cohort in the United Nations! 

Clemens August von Galen saw in the days surrounding his cardinal induction the true state of affairs and he realised that the fascists had already taken over from Rome even in Dover with their SS-cameos the shores and systematically sabotaged the human spirit with godless and mass destructive lores from all sorts of mythologies to suit their crimes against even furture generations and humanity! 

He blew the whistle and secretly did more than will ever be known to help many to hide as Jews in his Catholic shore or from Lutheran pastors, who only did pretend in the Bekennende Kirche the persecuted a helping hand to lend! 

But even his loud voice was not enough to shout alone against all the evildoers, and so, we all must continue together and be grateful and honour a Romani Rose and all around him, who were for so long left standing even literally in the cold, saying to the truth most tenderly in their soul through
their prayer 'Behold!' in tears, and ignoring their own fears, whilst many could have easily simply under immunity the truth told! And new evildoers via silence simply ignored - but how many journalists were only too happy to feature the villain instead of the victims and how many accepted bribery and property and more than just perks of the job to ignore the warnings for example of many an exiled Job?!

I like to say 'thank you!' to Romani Rose and to his friends, whose tears I shared quietly but I hope that they will live to see that the Sinti will be free from the slavery of those within and outside, who rather in corruption, cash in hand and dope overdose than to bring their houses in order and to come to the rescue of a fellow brother, nephew, cousin, father and grandfather!

Sigrid von Galen
NEC LAUDIBUS NEC TIMORE (James John Westcott House (James John Westcott House)
@instcrimjust @jjwestcotthouse @sigridvongalen
