Welcome to the Clemens August von Galen Institute!

Welcome to the Clemens August von Galen Institute!

The Clemens August von Galen Institute is primarily a free virtual research and resource institute for peacemaking and peacekeeping strategies and concepts; an online studies and documentation facility for survivors and successive generations of the Holocaust and of crimes against humanity and of attacks against peaceful ethnic minorities.

Our focus is mainly on the victims and their families and on aiding them to find justice and peace through the truth. We approach history and the contemporary threats with out-of-the-box-approaches that analyse patterns and mechanisms and strategies of structures of evil that were designed and applied throughout history - and failed again and again eventually, when all the curses backfired on the senders suddenly, and their sandcastles collapsed finally, when a delusional dictator or ruler no longer had the support of his secret society and high-finance mercenary military and ended at the hands of his own death doctors and nurses.

Another focus is to combat modern versions of the same patterns and mechanisms of the powers and principalities that our parents and grandparents and great-grandparents were facing as fascism, anti-semitism, racism and all sorts of state-organised harm, hate crimes and crimes against humanity, some of whom in various generations and by fleeing from one to another nation as refugees or as the ones, who detected the signs of coming evil earlier than others and who recognised the cohorts of fascism and warmongering and of those, who subscribed to a general obsession with a new world order of greed and a pick-and-mix creed based and enforced by simply organised criminality and utter brutality.

We are also as far engaging in social media and blogging and exchange of free publishing as possible to help pro-actively to combat organised criminality and crimes against humanity, especially, where diplomatic immunity and its privilege of impunity has been abused for criminal activity.

Victim or perpetrator - if a lead comes up or pattern emerges that seems to serve organised criminality via a mercenary culture, be it i.e. in a charity, hierarchy, company, agency or even the military or university, it can be by various creative means identified, when an organisation or individual to the public lied or the 
truth in the face of victims and facts denied!

We also encourage victims, witnesses and whistleblowers to testify, and to report crimes to 
the appropriate trusted channels and agencies! We live in times, where 'the enemy' often strikes from within, often disguised even as human error, and, sadly, many secret societies have a death cult lore in their crest and shore and, so, even a member of a family or next of kin, could be the next perpetrator or victim, targeted or framed and falsely blamed or shamed in a text!

Especially, where organised evil has been so painstakingly even officially measured and registered and the humiliation of victims and systematic destruction of their human dignity and soul by pseudo-scientists like those of the Nazis treasured we ring the alarm bells and spill the beans with any peaceful means via science reports, fact sheets, surveys, but also via creative writing and in poetry, as sometimes the legal route is being sabotaged entirely already or is corrupted eventually or members of the establishment have gone too far and have become with their crimes against humanity publicly for their organisation or country's reputation a hell of a liability,

and so, only a heartfelt apology and compassion and the suffering of the victims in an official acknowledgement will give them truly peace and compensation, symbolically and in creative and in healing ways of sentences that are as serving the victims' community as they are punitary!

The worst things are made even worse, when witnesses stay silent and look on, how innocent victims are being abducted, tortured, killed or sold on! Especially, when these witnesses pretend to be decent neighbours but lead a double existence as a freemason, templar or other dark knight and give to their family, friends, neighbours and colleagues and superiors one hell of an organised crime fight and sign even their lodge's secret draw for an assassination of a target, after they got the straw as 'El Eljon'! 

And thus, many a secret society, who is our neighbour, is only at face value a pensioner, bank clerk or teacher or doctor and in reality after work, at weekends and on holidays and trips a fraudster, terrorist, thief or murderer and mercenary con! You will know, when suddenly a neighbour does no longer his face in his usual surroundings show and plays towards you the scarecrow and causes you out of the blue with other neighbours and foes grief and makes threats and commits hate crimes and causes you woes and steps purposefully without an apology on your toes!


Neither praise nor fears'

Let it be our guiding star to bring lasting peace and justice through the living truth.

The Clemens August von Galen Institute is my humble contribution to the man, who, I was 
told some time ago, was my real paternal (and secret) grandfather, which left me 
at first in disbelief but only brief, as his legacy is a huge obligation and responsibility to speak out aloud, wherever there is a chance in some cloud, and, it gave me comfort in my grief about my father's loss, and strength to continue to lend the voiceless my voice at every length. 

And, of course, I have my love for the truth and nothing but the truth and I thank especially James John Westcott for helping me invisibly all this time to make to speaking out the truth always the right choice and to clear up many a church hierarchy's and many a secret society's mess publicly and peacefully and by keeping me safe in the process ultimately, albeit to the outsiders miraculously!

Let there be peace and justice through the truth!

I have followed Jesus Christ and his eternal spiritual wisdom of letting the truth rule my actions and guide my heart and thus I obeyed my conscience all the way through no matter what and no matter what the cost! And, by God, there were many, who their lives lost to ritual knives because they blew the whistle, and I dedicate to their memory in my heart my every post!

And to the popes, I have only this to say, from where I am standing:'Have you no shame to put false blame and wrong shame on Mary Magdalene and many other truly saintly dame, who had to endure to this day your lies and heresies and blasphemies via your twisting and false listing of records and facts?!  And this also goes without saying for the woes and unholy and criminal acts that the Vatican put on numerous anonymous or by villains replaced 
male saints, as warmongering and greedy and powerlusting popes just like the present ones threw via their carefully selected secret foes false accusations at whistleblowing priests from the pew and via mercenaries strategically also spread out via bribery in many a community...

Have you no shame to betray your church members' trust and to secretly allow your freemasonry and Templars and other dark knights orders', whom you employ as mercenaries across your borders for your proven organised criminality to live a life of brutality, envy and lust and of blasphemy and heresy, whilst you kill off the true defenders of the real holy books in your silent monasteries that you also use as training facilities for mercenaries of fascism and any kind of terrorism?!

Have you no shame to wrongly blame and falsely shame decent priests, who only followed God's command to marry their one wife and to put their house with her help in order, and to frame them across the border with even false evidence or stolen identity or purposefully placed stolen DNA, under abuse of immunity and of your
 seal's authority?!

Have you no shame to hold and influence actively but secretly stakes and shares in many an illegal research facility by a cover university a la Dr Ritter and Mengele?!

Have you no shame to not even take to task ALL of your top hierarchy, who are indeed guilty with you of crimes against humanity and to not hand yourselves in voluntarily to The Hague to take off your masks and to finally take up your responsibility?!

You obviously have not a shred of decency nor honesty nor humility, and I rest my case for 
now and leave it to the UN and others to initiate against the Vatican the legal phase!

Don't bother to watch for a t.b.c. this space, as international agencies have been already briefed by many a former sister or brother of an entity that you worshipped together in anonymity secretly.

The truth alone is hope for justice and truth and with the truth finally acknowledged every victim of organised criminality can get on with their lives and stay well away from the hell of an identified culprit and con on the pulpit and move on! And, popes, you also signed desth warrants in London with 'El Eljon'!
Must be a former cardinal, who now returns to you his stone and knew you in the pew under your cone!

Sigrid von Galen

Sigrid von Galen
http://SigridvonGalen.blogspot.co.uk (James John Westcott House
http://sigridvongalen.tumblr.com (James John Westcott House)
@instcrimjust @jjwestcotthouse @sigridvongalen
