Welcome to The Peace Gallery!

Welcome to The Peace Gallery! 

The Peace Gallery is a virtual collection of mixed media art, with a particular focus on peace, justice and truth. 

You can find us here: http://thepeacegallery.tumblr.com

The message of walking in the truth, no matter how painful it is to be able to move on to justice and finally to arrive in a state of peace, and the process of escaping from the darkness of collective experiences like the Holocaust but also the individual overcoming of the slavery of fear, and the healing from abuse and from inhuman exploitation and enforced experimentation in the widest sense is our focus in the presentation of the artwork, especially of survivors. 

Artists, who come from ethnic and cultural minorities, like the Sinti and Roma, are like precious gems, as they had the courage, often only after a very long and painful journey, which they spent crying their tears silently in ever present fears of renewed waves of hatred and suspicion against them and in the guilt of having survived - 

and, last but not least, in the unspoken shame of having been systematically humiliated individually and degraded as a community, in slavery, medical torture and illegal experimentation, and in nudity inside out by a society that still spares not much compassion or only political correctness as its only half-hearted given and by international pressure driven token of pseudo-integration.

Let's change the tune now to the celebration of artistic expression that frees all human beings from depression and that gives hope through its works' very existence, as it tears open silent walls and smokescreens and artificially blackened skies - even a blind photographer sees with his inner eyes and can from smell tell, whether he just entered heaven or hell!

And who is to judge, which art is still in a state of imperfection, if the emotion is running high in the brush in lightspeed, so that authentic and visible is the reality of having been spat at and cursed by a racist and racial perfectionist, who one's father and rest of the family deathnursed and who into a tirade of deathcultlore burst!

Wherever there is a culture of elitist monopoly with all its greed as creed and narcism and its snobbery an artist or scientist or other -ologist from an ethnic minority hardly stands a chance in his full skillset to enhance but mostly ever gets as much as a secretly envious glance from contemporaries, who dictate the cultural and arts pomp and circumstance.

Give your fellow artists the chance they deserve and take them selflessly under your wings as a gallerist and give them freely your space, if their soul needs to heal and they help others, too, in the sharing of the work to find again peace and justice and the truth they have been looking for and that is hidden in their innermost heart!

 It is high time to nurture the true arts that help humanity to recover from the crimes that have been committed and that have been ignored by and from galleries and museums also systematically and strategically omitted, or illegally offshored, as the latters seem only to care for ever bigger deals in outright greed and lust for power!

Don't repeat the looting times, and don't belittle as self-styled specialists on payrolls of elitists artists, who serve the truth, justice and peace selflessly and who share freely instead of throwing pearls before a jewelencrusted walking dead shore!

Or are the contemporary gallerists and curators afraid that they might get finally from Interpol inhouse a raid, as they also had joint enterprises running in dangerous fascist and freemasonry and Templars associations across all United Nations?!

Ask many an artist, who does from an ethnic minority stem and is being slandered and mocked because he is ashamed of using an f.... word in his vocabulary and does shiver in disgust at some gallerists' obscenity and lust and certainly does not want his bride or girlfriend being treated as a  Templar's on-the-side maid!

And what does the press about this mess - the media are part of this injust and racist abscess that is still goin round in far too many arty-party places with more or less masked faces!

Fury and innermost rage at the sight of one's parents' silently in despair cried tears for shame and fears is often the first stepping stone to release in an artist finally the ability to return peacefully in word, paint, sound, or performance his every received stone! 

That is the kind of art that comes directly from the heart, and helps all to understand and to heal and to make for individuals and a whole community and, indeed, for a country and for the whole world again via free education and compassion a new start free of greed and with peace as their creed, and in that heavenly kingdom of earth everybody lives in human dignity and basic happiness and is to their family the king and blessed is the parents' wedding ring and whole communities are to each other with the truth heir!

Sigrid von Galen
http://SigridvonGalen.blogspot.co.uk (James John Westcott House
http://sigridvongalen.tumblr.com (James John Westcott House)
@instcrimjust @jjwestcotthouse @sigridvongalen
