What's in a book? The blanks of the truth are filled with memories in diaries, and are kept safe from highest church hierarchy ranks, who tend to their end facts to amend and to fill with untruth or half-truth or even outright lies in story compiled by mercenaries and thinktanks their whitewashed church history... by Sigrid von Galen

What's in a book? The blanks of the truth are filled with memories in diaries, and are kept safe from highest church hierarchy ranks, who tend to their end facts to amend and to fill with untruth or half-truth or even outright lies in story compiled by mercenaries and thinktanks their whitewashed church history...

by  Sigrid von Galen

The truth in a county courtroom presented and recorded by a young lawyer, who made it into a narrative of Westfalian dialect, paints a a person of authority and integrity, who is often also mentioned in third and more parties' fond collective stories, and the facts about his life are also gathered in many a secret dossier
by many a secret agency, nationally and internationally.

The diaries of close friends and family are usually more accurate and precise, albeit also selective and subjective, but altogether they draw a picture that comes as close as it gets to grasp a bigger than one life soul and personality!

With never enough time or opportunity to sit down reflectively to write many true and real events down in an autobiography and his life cut short suddenly a person of interest to many had only his soul's route of repentance and forgiveness to resort to and so, on his deathbed, to vow to his beloved God that he would put wrong right from wherever he would be sent to by God's will! 

And so, Clemens August von Galen did trust in God to grant him all that was needed to spill the beans in resurrection via the truth with peaceful means from the grave on events that had not just gone wrong in the nave but also in other high places, where people did strategically and purposefully even ritually and habitually under abuse of diplomatic immunity and even in Muenster, but also not just there, misbehave.

And in many a dream to his family he spoke and made amends and asked for forgiveness for what he did to save lives and to protect the spiritual church of Jesus Christ in utter humility confess, and it must be known that he only ever obeyed his conscience and did, what he felt was the only way to protect society and his family from a beast that celebrated in SS-boots underneath Catholic vestments also in Rome the Eucharistic feast and continued with Josef Ratzinger even after the war, as he was the secret Nazi prince and to his followers the fascist fourth empire's rising star.

And that Clemens August von Galen knew and made sure that his colleague from England would spread not just to a few! 

When utmost evil was and is being committed that is even from official records omitted, the biggest crime is to stay silent in its face from a position of influence and to allow it to just happen without making any effort to stop those, who in blood thirst overdose and in a delusion and obsession with superiority and who secretly gathered as a cover as black rose and black sun occult practitioners, who were simply greedy and coldblooded mercenaries, who plotted mass executions and torture and crimes against humanity with blackhole money, piratery and who redistributed greedily their victims' money, property, and, indeed, even county and country!

One does not have to look far around to spot the same powers and principalities even worse than ever and in just new disguises and partly with the same name in the third and fourth generation in every single nation, as after WW2 the fascist elite did with sympathetic aristocrats mingle and in high places intermarry, often under new identity, and raise their children to a secret army internationally to prepare their new world order in every country of the fourth empire of evil, and they bribed and threatened and killed every shore that would not subscribe to their lore.

They even pushed in various academic societies through their agendas to kill eventually all, who are in their way legally and to destroy people's reputation and souls via neuroscientific, technological and pseudo-scientific warfaring means by manipulation of and sabotage of medical and security data and immunity via freemasonry, Templars and other secret circles' with often twelves in pyramid scheming round table hierarchies backing up their undercover infiltration also in many law enforcement and military agency.

When scientists bully the public into organ donation and remove organs and human eggs forcefully and  kill even systematically under the disguise of 'human error' or even more sinister sell their strategy as scientifically validated and necessary they are part of this hell's machinery, that picks and mixes all kinds of elements just to mess around for destroying the human spirit and the world as we know it, and they know no conscience and they despise remorse and humility, as they want to kill and destroy as many human beings as they possibly are able and with all their tools and their specific ability.

We wonder, why abuse of little girls and boys was happening on a large scale?! Turn around and put your fingers at the members of secret societies and at the Vatican and Anglican and Lutheran churches, who allowed these new world order fascists to defile and desecrate all that makes a human being holy on their ground.

And Clemens August von Galen had plans to go underground in England to testify to an international court also against all in high places, who did refuse to answer for help his call! And he knew their faces under masks and would have been able to identify them from the pope's table as the ones, who served him poison from their flasks! And he also knew, who were in Lamberti the traitors in the pew! Nothing is really new!

Sigrid von Galen

http://SigridvonGalen.blogspot.co.uk (James John Westcott House
http://sigridvongalen.tumblr.com (James John Westcott House)

@instcrimjust @jjwestcotthouse @sigridvongalen
