Incarnations in different nations: Tatiana says to her traitor sister Olga and to Rasputin: 'One day, in a new incarnation, I will deliver you personally to your hell, in the shape and size of the law enforcement and an international authority, when I knock on your door or ring your bell!' From: The Mother Sigrid Eliora Mysteries, By Sigrid von Galen

Tatiana says to her traitor sister Olga and to Rasputin: 'One day, in a new incarnation, I will deliver you personally to your hell, in the shape and size of the law enforcement and an international authority, when I knock on your door or ring your bell!' 

From: The Mother Sigrid Eliora Mysteries,

By Sigrid von Galen

And Tatiana said to Olga and Rasputin before the revolution in 1914: 'You know only too well that I no longer give a damn about your stupid visions of an empire of hell! And I know for sure that the truth and right cure lies in the hands of the eternal wedding bands of Adam and Eve, 

and they are always and again only because of you bastards separated, 
because you wanted them severed and nailed to the cross or grilled in their body parts to cash in again on their death and this time round you might be able to play your evil game out but it is lame and, Rasputin, you will die this time before us all, and Olga will only survive the assassination to smear me and pose as me with our family money in another nation but when we all come back I can see that you two won't get away anymore forever in any shore the one good God and the most loving sweet and holy couple to betray, 

and I may just keep my distance from you both then until such a time that our father, Anastasia, Maria and Alexander are in a safe position to expose your every single plotted crime and I will play my part also to you from afar in a pantomime, and when you see me switching clocks, you will both find yourselves out of the bookshelves and not just in God's judgement court but also in a Fellows Court as a starchamber version of Old Baileys in England in a special dock in strange lands! 

And you will no longer be able to play any triple agent and mercenary mole role but go to your own mind's hell, as all your victims, including our parents, will live the truth about your evil to tell and Jesus Christ teaches Mary Magdalene to break your evil streak and spell just by exposing your evil deeds and facts of your unholy acts and you will have to return all stolen piratery and artefacts! And why do I keep seeing peanuts?! 

Oh, I know, Rasputin, God reminded me that you were already as the evil Judas nuts and always wanted big money and all the women and you framed Jesus Christ with his half-brother, also called Jesus of Nazareth, who with you whored around and ditched your evil breed in every Roman empire shore, which is still the Vatican, but for the truth to tell you never had any guts! And the time will come, when backfiring on you will your every curse and spell!

As you were never followers of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdala and no friends of the holy couple and sold them out and betrayed them and often even slayed them! But when that time comes that Anastasia can expose the evildoers and live for the return of her eternal spouse Jesus Christ, then I defend the truth of their holy monogamy of the most holy couple with my life and lay it down for them against your bloody ritual knife, as it won't hurt me anymore, as I have long entered the heavenly safe shore! 

And I will bring your hell's clock to its stop and make God's good time work in real time and you will be out of the premises in no time and go to hell and prison with your whole hierarchy and every secret society, as I am sick and tired of your hypocrisy and blasphemy and cowardice and malice and damned chalice! 

You will feel it in your bones, as constantly back at you come your own stones and people can see publicly your secret society cones! Satan must be a most stupid bloke, if he really relied on you two for his hokey-coke!'

And Anastasia, whose soul is upon Mother Sigrid Eliora, writes to the latter's former spiritual director:

And it seems Elisabeth of Hungary-Thuringia and her husband Louis also have a word to say on the high treason and cruelty of some Konrad von Marburg...- and it came also up in that dream but my grandmother wouldn't have anybody laying a hand on us either... She is quite disgusted from where she is in heaven, and nobody messed with my grandmother already on earth...

I had the most hilarious and dreadful vision that the Bishop of Londinium was the keeper of the devil's seal and hid it in my neighbourhood church and thought he could rule the world with it, and so joined all sorts of secret societies and climbed up the snakes' ladders by poisoning not just many bladders and anointing toads and blackadders in an unction over a Judas orgy at a hijacked royal function and he promised as usual as a self-crowned kingmaker and piety and faith faker everything to  everybody,

who was greedy for power and money and property and status all sorts, if they in turn would grant him immunity and commit for him all sorts of required notorieties under abuse of seals and of impunity and shower him with favours in any given amount and varieties. 

And thus he spun like once Wilfred and Rasputin his spynetwork all over the places and people started in the church and in the neighbourhood to spy on all Catholics and tried to keep them out of the CoE from the lurch. And he even founded a Wilfred and Hilda society that has at its heart child abuse and human trafficking and all sorts of ritual and organised criminality courtesy of churchhouse immunity.

The bishops hierarchy teach and live their Judas faith visibly and they found ways to abuse their position to slander the true clergy and few to Jesus Christ and his truth faithful priests' reputation or did threaten them with nasty ways of dying and let even some neighbourhood witches on them scrying and playing gaslighting. 

And when I woke up from that nightmare I remembered that I was told by some parents from the cathedral school that they were threatened not to go public with their children having been bullied into not saying anything against Satanists, and that Satanism is a religion, too, 'that needs to be respected' - 

the parents kept quiet as they faced having to pay the fees, although they wanted their children desperately out of that school...
And actually, he did openly admit that he is a freemason and filled a whole sermon at the induction of our parish priest with boasting about all his board memberships and titles, and called my daughter 'queen of the night' and said to me, when I served the guests with a bowl, 'never to give a bishop peanuts'...

Ja, ja, ploetzlich macht all dieser Zirkus Sinn, und ich hatte noch einen frueheren Traum ueber ihn, wo er als Biest von James heruntergedrueckt wurde in einem speziellen Raum und seitdem muss er seinen Teufelshuf verstecken und kann nur noch die Buergersteige, aber nicht mehr das Kircheninnere verdrecken, und herausruecken musste er auch, was er tat an geklauten Kirchenschaetzen mit all seinen Huren tat verstecken...- dagegen sind die ja fast Engel in den Kurien, aber die haben sich auch gemischt inzwischen unter diese Furien... - also, ehrlich, mit so etwas will ich nichts zu tun haben. 

Ich bin in Gottes Furcht und Liebe aufgewachsen, und das gleiche moechte ich fuer meine Kinder... - sollen die sich doch in ihrem eigenen Schweinestall suhlen, diese goldenen Rinder. Wer die verliert, gibt noch eine Belohnung, damit er sie behaelt und den Teufel dazu, dem Finder, denn die haben einmal zu oft die heilige Familie mit ihrem Dreck und ihren Luegen beschmiert, und so manches Mal ihre Koerperteile geviert und immer die Kriminellen hofiert... 

(in dem Traum haben sich auch Anastasia und Sisi ziemlich ausgelassen; und ich glaube, bei so einigen Suendern fliegen heute noch kraeftig aus den Schraenken die Tassen, denn die koennen nicht mehr wie bisher einfach die Sau herauslassen auf lau - denen ich bestimmt nicht mit Ziegelsteinen von Grund auf eine neue Kirche bau, denn solchen Leuten ich nie mehr vertrau...)


Sigrid von Galen
Nec laudibus nec timore (James John Westcott House)
@sigridvongalen @instcrimjust @jjwestcotthouse

Sigrid von Galen
NEC LAUDIBUS NEC TIMORE (James John Westcott House)

@instcrimjust @CTraumastudies @sigridvongalen
