Truth will always reveal itself eventually, and there comes the time, where abuse and many a hidden crime no longer can be covered up successfully or negotiated quietly over a deal under abuse of immunity, not even and especially not, when a whole bishops hierarchy has done so continuously and once too often from Rome to Dover! By Sigrid von Galen

Truth will always reveal itself eventually, and there comes the time, where abuse and many a hidden crime no longer can be covered up successfully or negotiated quietly over a deal under abuse of immunity, not even and especially not, when a whole bishops hierarchy has done so continuously and once too often from Rome to Dover!

By Sigrid von Galen

Saved by the Bell?! Clemens August von Galen was immune to a certain bishop Bell's spell of hell, and so, certain archives do in the latter's own words the truth tell, and the Lord Bishops in question of nowadays better hand over to the authorities their swords and knives along with their confession letter without concession. 

After all, they already have from their own high horse and snake ladders after testimonies even of their mercenaries quite a steep fall, and with dark traces left on cyberspace even an AI knows their faces, as THE machine learnt ever so deep that especially church hierarchy cannot be trusted with speaking the truth, or with real reconciliation with their victims due to insider trading and stakes in stocks and shares and sponsored airfares to every warfaring nation that offered them an immunity deal, in case it is published that they also had a part in the organised criminality under the abuse of a former High Court Judge's and freemason's seal.

Nothing is what it seems, when smokescreens of incense and intrigue or confessions with concessions by key figures, who play kingmakers internationally are intertwined with their self serving intercessions and their threats to the ones, who were abused by them as persons of interest and alibi to bully through elsewhere a new church and world order acrss the border after their own image with secret international fascists and pseudo-resistance mercenaries from the lurch... 

And it is interesting, who is speaking nowadays in favour of a most unsavoury double-faced bishop and who enables an inquiry to bring justice to victims finally! Always the same names amongst the Lord Bishops, who put on  all the wrong ones false shames, but thankfully, there are also a few, who expose a culprit from the pulpit in the pew, and who had enough of being counted also as evil, and of being maltreated and cheated by their colleagues, and dragged into the latters' unsaintly organised criminality under abuse of immunity by those certain members of the top Vatican and Anglican and Lutheran hierarchy, locally, nationally and internationally.

Sigrid von Galen
NEC LAUDIBUS NEC TIMORE (James John Westcott House)
@instcrimjust @CTraumastudies @sigridvongalen
