A Question to Justin Selby: The Buck stops with you and your predecessor and your hierarchy?! May Interpol be your confessor! By Sigrid Countess von Galen

A question to Justin Selby: Do you really that low sink with the fascist bishops in the CoE and the RCC from the same cup of lies and heresy and fascist philosophy to drink? And against my grandfather Clemens August von Galen and me of Bishop Bell's secret society hell to stink?!
Were the victims of the Walsingham shrine under Fiennes-Clinton not yet enough bones of anonymous saints to butcher under the bishops' cones?! Even the most silent walls eventually crumble and tumble, as enough is enough! And I, for my part, do hope I do not have to return piece by piece publicly your hierarchy's every stone - I tried to appeal to your bishops peacefully but to no avail! Instead of an apology they stole and hacked and altered my mail, threatened my life with more than one ritual knife and gaslit me, slandered me and tried to prevent me from speaking out aloud, what your bishops commit under their smokescreens, not just in the cloud! I must say I am not surprised you tried to have my life and every trace of my every presence in your buildings demised..., as you were yourself by the same law society secret alchemist societies so very ill-advised! Did you not know that a true Christian does humility and the desire for reconciliation towards his victims show and for starters offers an apology and takes it from there - but then, your bishops' every cathedral and church is a devil's den accordingly to my own experience and witness and to numerous others' testimony and not just under the roofs of Wren clack the freemasons and Templars imaginary hoofs! Under your watch, and not surprisingly their DNA and fingerprints with other crime scenes match! But your hierarchy has all the freemasonry cover up and criminal crime scene cleaning crews from the pews via bribery and property at your disposal and even chaplains and death doctors and nurses, who also supply the chain for poison and anti-dotes for strategic votes in parish stews!

What's in a book? The blanks of the truth are filled with memories in diaries, and are kept safe from highest church hierarchy ranks, who tend to their end facts to amend and to fill with untruth or half-truth or even outright lies in story compiled by mercenaries and thinktanks their whitewashed church history...

Sigrid Countess von Galen
http://sigridvongalen.tumblr.com (James John Westcott House)
@instcrimjust @CTraumastudies @sigridvongalen
