• Sigrid Countess von Galen's profile photo
    Over the times from Rome to Dover, where committed secretly could be organised crimes and crimes against humanity, incl. paedophilia, cannibalism and ritual slaughter and torture and up and down the vices register your favourite bits of organised criminality under abuse of immunity and your contempt for decency, bishops! As suddenly your own Templars and freemason secret society members have drawn a line that they do not want to cross under a cross anymore, as too much is also their loss and part in organised crime as a boar swine and they rather give to a humble Father their testimony that they also poisoned his wine, and who directly forwards it via IT to the appropriate authority, whom you yourself regard as your enemy only because they enforce law and order, even across any border! One hell of a legacy, bishops, including your sprinkling of poisoned hyssops under your cathedral and church bell! Fortunately, some of your victims lived the truth to tell and to break your silencing and death spell that you mutter under your breath, and have kept the death threat that came in an envelope with a wreath...

