How many...? Figures for 'your eyes only', Sigrid Countess von Galen

How many...? Figures for 'your eyes only',

Sigrid Countess von Galen 

Amazing grace, when f.ex. freemason bishops or high ranking Vatican aides, who once did boast their secret riches and organised crimes at a dinner party in Dover over a poisonous wine toast, and when an corrupt accountant and auditor and former high court judge to be all fall into public disgrace and have finally charges and the music to face for organised criminality with their whole secret confraternity even in The Hague, together with popes, as the figures of their hidden books expose them clearly as crooks and are not vague, as painstakingly neatly written down are the fascist crimes against humanity.

Figures that are not obtainable from the National Office for Statistics but from Interpol forensic accountancy and international law-enforcements' careful legal analysis of a blackhole offshore triple book keeping that lacks no transparency nor precision of every freemasonry and criminal fascist opportunist's shore, including that of church and illegal parallel hierarchies that had formed within corporations and institutions a shadow entity of their own.

After all, criminal stake holders want to know exactly to the penny and bitcoin, for how many illegally severed body parts and organ harvested incisions and for how many terrorist plots and viral infestments in the world they had to pay initially their investment, as they hoped for big returns beyond measure, not just the occasional stolen church treasure when they did over dead bodies the highest ranks of freemasonry join!

Yes, and in how many microdots was actually fixed the evidence for legal proceedings and the outcomes also made part of the investment return deal between corrupt law enforcement, prosecutors, lawyers, and judges, who in this way covered up their own crimes that they committed often out of a grudge but that were not from the triple accountancy omitted in a shady auditor's handwritten book, as every organised crook writes even down and keeps the receipts for the Christmas gift of poisoned fudge!

Just how many victims, have been poisoned, tortured, and subjected to character and physical assassination, slandered even after their death or forced resignation to slander beyond recognition - consult the books of the freemason crooks: They speak a clear language of a double and triple existence and tell all about the inner circles' within an inner highest inner fascist circle's obsession and delusion with world domination and aryan masterrace fabrication tailored for every single new world order artificially inseminated and gene manipulation with multi-feature and triple freemasonry genome fabrication to suit the billionaires' mind intrusion.

Just how many freemasons have committed crimes against humanity via infiltration of companies and institutions and even in the military and covered up organised criminality and have sabotaged numerous a law enforcement and witness protection programme and medical operation and had the lethal outcomes and anonymous graves even underneath naves omitted?!

If you have one freemason boasting in your midst or discover a leak that turns out to be the mole or a dark trace of a digital footprint in deep penetration tests you know there are eleven more somewhere in a different place that also are connected and instruments of evil of this one face, and each of the twelves has again twelves, who cover up their crimes mostly undetectedly in every nation and can thus manipulate and sabotage and harm even under immunity internationally infinitely, unless we point our finger at the one we know and end the silence of this pestilence and arrest even a pope, cardinal and bishop or high court judge right, where they produce themselves in vestments and wig or mitre or top hat or on a television show!

Sigrid Countess von Galen
NEC LAUDIBUS NEC TIMORE (James John Westcott House)

@instcrimjust @CTraumastudies @sigridvongalen
