Clemens August Graf von Galen Institute: 'Musicology and Gynecology were and are and never ...

Clemens August Graf von Galen Institute: 'Musicology and Gynecology were and are and never ...: 'Musicology and Gynecology were and are and never will be so far apart', said a late Prof. Maria Elisabeth Brockhoff in 1986 to me, ...

John Cage would rather now disengage with certain12tone strings,if he could,as each sound brings DNA via IVF2father..…

Penderecki&Beuys via IVF quadrophony&wax cube cacophony ran ww fascist secret society via Muenster aryan freemasonry ……

Maria Broeckhoff says2Karl-Heinz Stockausen:''Aber,aber,wer wird denn da denn da gleich so aufbrausen! Nur weil die Wahrheit von Deiner eigenen und der Deiner  heimlichen Superiority Obsession und Gotteskomplex Geheimgesellschafts IVF-Kakophonie nun aus dem Sack ist selbst in Muenster und London und Tokyo und New York and Krakau? Denn da wurde es mulmig zumute selbst einem alten Zuericher Zauberhute mit dem Nullsummenspiel und einer zuviel beweihraeuchert in den Nachrichten, die eigentlich gar keine sind! Denn die Wahrheit wurde schon immer behandelt wie ein ungeliebtes Findelkind, aber fluestert wird sie ueberall schon im immer staerkeren Rueckenwind!

Why are you so furious-are you no longer curious of your own illegal experiments with stolen eggs?! Imagine! There are now survivors of your loose ends killings strategy, und they have lived the truth to tell and to break even posthumously your evil spell and no longer need to pretend to be your slaves in the naves with a creed of weed, as they ring in a church as undercover agents the bell! Thank God, at least you had no inclination unlike others of your secret society lodge sisters and brothers also to cats and dogs orgy sodomy - or was it after all your pigs tail that you sent me as a photo in the mail?!'…
