Evil has a name! And sometimes a good twin, who resurrects and every further witness protection due to ongoing sabotage rejects! By Sigrid Countess von Galen

Evil has a name! And sometimes a good twin,
who resurrects and every further witness protection
due to ongoing sabotage rejects!

By Sigrid Countess von Galen

Evil has a name! Evil has a face! Evil has a voice!
Evil has no shame! - It was seen and heard and identified
by good, who pointed its finger at the right photo in the 
Interpol frame, and it was good, who testified in a court
against even those, who are officially untouchable but who
secretly are on the most wanted list, and their evil does
exist, as they made the mistake good for their dirty work
as slave to enlist, and confused and fused accidentally
regularly good with his evil twin. 

And suddenly, a whole evil fellows community does no longer
over good win and even a pope and archbishop anymore in
their secret Templar shore at their good victims grin, as 
exposed is every single crime of every single Templar's tower
in every city with its European twin, never mind the evildoers'
every cardinal initiation's sin -

there is enough blood spatter and forensic dark matter
on secret walls that evil left behind
in every bath and shower, where they did kill loose ends
and in the naves that turned into anonymous graves, where under
abuse of immunity a criminal community with a priory misbehaves.

Imagine, a dead twin resurrects and points his finger at also

the doubles of his evil brother - and does no longer with a sabotaged
witness protection programme bother?!

How many evildoers in a worldwide community will be brought
to justice finally, as the victims unite under the banner of the truth
and peace and justice, and come to their good friends' aid, as they once said,
and bring with them a worldwide law enforcement team for a raid!

'Knock, knock!' says Jesus Christ with his flock. 'I have taken stock and
come to arrest all evildoers, and I come in lightspeed with the truth as my 
living rod and creed and will pass judgement with my iron crown and sceptre,

as I have had enough of being cheated and maltreated and for my flock
to be persecuted and framed and wrongly shamed and manhandled rough - 
I get now with the facts of all evil criminal acts on all evil tough,

and evil can no longer hide, and can in nobody anymore in any shore
successfully for refuge confide, as the evildoers have already jumped ship,
and left plenty of evidence even in bins and on a kip! 

And even once upon a time twins joint at their every thought and some even 
on their hip, suddenly are changing side against evil and cut off the evil one,
and return to every evil every stone!

And suddenly, evil stands in the dock so very, very alone, in front of the 
crowded good flock, who even open secretly the doors, on which at night
Jesus Christ does telepathically knock;

and so good comes around, and brings back and takes to task all evil, 
where evil once touched ground under a mask of fake friendship
and suddenly evil does all of its former power and connections and resources
lack, as it turns out that evil never really had immunity indefinitely,

and even evil key and stake holders can no longer flood with blood
of victims a tower, as good is no longer in a fearful mood, and identifies
from certain characteristics even foes, who caused to good people unspeakable woes
under a hood!

And what does a Priory de Sion in disguise of an Anglican and another as Vatican 
convent community do, who both subscribe to worldwide collaboration in every nation,
to organised criminality accordingly to victims and former conspirators, when even
a top figurehead of their church turns out to be just a double, who did on behalf
of MI5 play an archbishop to gather evidence of the abuse of a seal - 

the nuns in question ask for an immunity deal but do voluntarily continue in their community
and thus take up their punishment to prove that they truly repent, and are tagged electronically,
and supervised individually, so that recorded is their every word and thought and move!

As psychological warfare is no novelty to these sisters, who wish on their targets anything
and enforce it via abuse of medical access and a former monopoly on care facilities, from strokes,
cancer, and not just blisters...

And suddenly, one after the other secret fascist hierarchy surrenders internationally, as they
have been seen and heard, for example, when nuns from a Haggerston or Boston priory picked up
guns and abducted children and drugs from other religious order counterparts next to the Raphael clinic
in Muenster, and picked up blackhole money cash from the hospital trash and discussed with
a former doctor not just physiotherapies but also, how he as the Muenster Templar paymaster could beat
in London secretly the credit crunch! 

Pack it in', says Jesus Christ, 'you are under arrest! And you did the longest time over your every crime
smirk at me with your evil grin! Wait, until I remind you in your room also privately of your every long forgotten unbegotten sin! By the way, I did intercept your latest bid on my life and that on my wife, and I have to tell you,
you did not win!'

