The Countess who gets to the bottom of the truth and empties in the process Loch Ness

The Countess who gets to the bottom of the truth and empties in the process Loch Ness

Alert Sanctuary: Help prevent organised crime, acts of terror and stay alert! Don't be complicit but share your observations, and show that you about peace and justice and truth care! Sigrid Countess von Galen

Posted: 13 Jun 2017 11:06 PM PDT


Mother Superior's Doomsday Clock: 2. What power? 'Fiat iustitia, et pereat mundus' (Ferdinand I.), by Sigrid Countess von Galen

Posted: 13 Jun 2017 11:04 PM PDT

Mother Superior's Doomsday Clock: 

2. What power? 'Fiat iustitia, et pereat mundus' (Ferdinand I.), 

by Sigrid Countess von Galen

If you want to remove corruption from a nation or institution, simply start with the pyramid top and let it crumble, as it is on the highest floors, where they out of greed and envy and sheer boredom evil incantations mumble behind closed or secret doors, and sell their souls to the devil and his every spy-master, so that, when the top does crumble, the rest also in lightspeed does tumble ever faster, as nobody wants to belong to a mummy burial group of twelves anymore of a secret society, when they have to explain to their family and in court of law, why they pretended to be - depending on the degree and fee that they were willing to pay - 

a mockery copy of Jesus Christ and His holy family, in their Saturday Covent Garden temple draw. As suddenly, with austerity also for them becoming reality and with their top hierarchy's loss of authority through lack of integrity they can suddenly see that the babylonian whore never had real power in her shore, and that insight they can feel in their bones and stone hearts as an evergrowing pain and sore, and the look even of holy souls in the street and in the neighbourhood identifies at them clearly identifies them as a spook and crook, and all of a sudden they feel so stupid that they ever wore their secret society cones and even married purposefully or committed adultery with just anybody suggested by their hierarchy in order to further their criminal networks' interests and influence and property 
and money.

Banks that are really only evermore the babylonian whore's gambling dens fall in the heavenly kingdom on earth under the category 'forbidden', and  their arrogance shows even at the exposure of their criminality that they are anything but guilt-ridden but still treat whole countries including governments and institutions and communities as 'commodity' that they buy and sell to anybody that the board of hell decides, and who are to be found also amongst former lord mayors and governors and chairs and board members of banks and the financial authorities, who sponsor or even ring a desecrated church bell and who only ever porkypies of bunches of lies tell and organise themselves in groups of twelves, 

of which each is in the business of slander, murder, theft, fraud and organised crime like war- and whoremongering, human trafficking and law breaking in any notoriety and variety but nobody of those pranks is used to take for their crimes the responsibility as they got away with it for far too long. 

But God took away their delusionary power and  holds a mirror of their every sin and purposeful fixing of rates disgused as 'error' and makes His holy souls strong, who the evildoers now with complaints and accusations and charges shower, and finally, even the financial authorities and other regulatory authorities are finally taking up their responsibility and have no choice but the public anger of the population to voice - or they face being replaced by somebody, who is not double- or multiple-faced and has a proven track record of integrity.

In a coven of a church hall as a prolonged arm of the Pall Mall ears and eyes has every wall and exposes now all lies and all spies, and reveal every secret deal that was struck by the Elders and other hierarchy fate welders of all ranks of pranks with the highest order of almost every empire there is, of which every single one to God and Jesus Christ and His holy truth of His original family their very existence denies, and make that from the beginning of the story in the book of books, and God has now sealed the condemnation of all spooks and crooks, and throws them out collectively and individually of His one holy nation.




Mother Superior's Doomsday Clock: 3. "Chain letters?" 'I want justice for Cain, as he has Abel not slain', by Sigrid Countess von Galen

Posted: 13 Jun 2017 11:03 PM PDT

Mother Superior's Doomsday Clock: 

3. "Chain letters?" 'I want justice for Cain, as he has Abel not slain',

by Sigrid Countess von Galen 

A chain letter is a letter that was also blamed on Cain but it remains to be seen, when presented are the facts before the Heavenly Judgment Court of many a heresy about the original holy family, whether God is keen to have symbolically the liars and unholy friars for their heresy slain, as once too often they put on a most holy soul again somebody else' character stain to bring purposefully about the false blame and shame on a holy family that is now finally clearing for all its incarnations in all nations its eternal holy name. 

And then over from Rome to Dover and elsewhere is everywhere the heretics five minute fame. And in their own devil's den left behind they must bury their dead themselves and there will be only their bullshit left in their bookshelves to clear up by them, 

and as every of their members of their covenants of twelves thinks the others are plem-plem they order at each other from then on their every murderious hit, whilst Jesus Christ's flock takes all over the world of corruption and crimes stock and exposes even gene-manipulated tuna-flakes and mutilated wedding cakes, as nobody anymore in God's empire unpunishedly porkypies of lies by spies bakes. 

And all are accountable and loose their diplomatic immunity, even in their so far immune from prosecution believed community -
that is, what happens, when every major domus builds on sand - he does with nothing in his own mud, when the rain comes again lands, and wonders, why he had in the first place any objections to the eternal wedding bands and the true story of Adam and Eve - 

and then, he remembers that he wanted to be the firstborn but never take up the responsibility and so he is forever in his own little world as his own clown forlorn and has only left every stained and desecrated gown that has his high treason and mercilessness shown and then, it will be too late all his sins to confess, as God simply has left him with his own mess. 

And that applies also to many a female majoress and some queens called Bess, who had to admit their every dead Catholic victim's body on their washing line that span the whole and back of Loch Ness.  

And all the bullets from their unregistered royal guns might suddenly be served in their red mullets on the occasion of a lunch cooked by a peacefully converted Hun,who the blood brother path deserted and has had enough of hearing about artificial blackholes and having to explain to his daughter's mother and to his daughter, 

whom he almost himself put to the slaughter, why he was dressed in fine linen and luxury amongst spies, whilst he lied to her about his credit crunch and had against them an eternal hunch. As he had belonged to a most nasty  killerfish bunch, 

who do holy souls not only at night munch.
Beware of those, who try to recruit you in twelves, as Jesus Christ never had as many friends but they all wanted to cash in even through threatening chain letters on their acquaitance with the Holy Rose.

Mary Magdala holds up the red stained Easter egg&tells the self-anointed emperor to get with his greed&weed in his blackhole lost.

Mary Magdala holds up the red stained Easter egg&asks the self-anointed emperor to get with his greed&envy in his blackhole lost.

 A corrupt council of a greedy minority never has intended to live democracy&only wants a monarchy as an empire of slavery.

A minority council of Elders&Shepherds,who imposed on a majority heresy is by logic no authority&has no integrity&hates to live in austerity

On a major domus,who as a lupus in disguise of the shepherd kills every hl.agnus and plays  Horus,God now the beans spills even in an unison chorus.

A major domus,der als lupus in der Verkleidung als Oberhirten jedes hl.agnus reisst,der als horus nun vor Gott in den faulen Apfel beisst.


 Klar wie faule Klossbruehe a la Benedictine, More of Mother Superior's Tweets, and she doesn't care, when liars and unholy nuns and friars at her stare in the streets, as she none of them anymore greets and returns their own stones each back to their shore!

By Sigrid Countess von Galen


Na, Herr Kardinal, nun sagen Sie doch schon endlich - waren Sie ein Opfer oder ein Uebeltaeter hoechster Rangordnung? Aber antworten muessens uns schon, denn sonst schickt Sie Gott zur Strafe mit Ihren Opfern als Straftaeter in Ihr ewiges Jammertal! Und da gibt es nicht mehr Damen- und Herrenwahl, sondern da wacht Gott und nicht Ihr ehemaliger Boss genauestens als Sein eigener Oberaufseher zur Rationierung und Eliminierung von weiterer Korruption ueber die genaue Zahl der verdammten Verbrecher, und Sie bleiben fuer die Ewigkeit, denn Sie haben es offen gelassen bis zuletzt und die Heiligkeit der Schwachen und Armen verletzt und Ihre Freunde an Gottes Feinde verpetzt und absichtlich heilige Seelen aus Ihrer Kirche vergretzt und sich mit den Feinden in allen Gemeinden von Jesus Christus und Maria Magdalenas heiliger Ehe vernetzt und denen noch Hoechstpreise fuer Trophaen aus deren Zimmer und Ehefirche geboten. Ich Sie nie verstehe, und Sie haben keine Macht, auch wenn Sie noch so lange anstarren meine Zehe und verfluchen meine Wehe. Ich schon laengst nicht mehr in eines Ihrer gottverlassenen Bunker gehe.

Ein Oberhirte, der erlaubt, dass Schafe selbst im Schlafe gerissen werden, hat nichts zu suchen unter Jesus Christus Schafherden, und gegen den donnert es nicht  nur beim Juengsten Gericht voller Beschwerden, und darum wird Gott nun vorstellen dessen jedes Geheimgesellschaftsgesicht,und dann wird Gott ihn auch mit des falschen Hirten Abneigung gegen die wahren Yehuden ueberfuehren, die Jesus Christus schuetzen in ihren bescheidenen Buden, und die Erde erbeben lassen mit Zorn, denn einmal zu oft hat der auch versucht, den Aramaern anzuhaengen der babylonischen Hure Dorn. Und auf seiner eigenen Geheimgesellschaftsschwarzliste ist ein jeder zukuenftige Kandidat fuer Oberhirte auch schon zum x-ten Mal, und hat genug vom Lug und Betrug international und schickt nun lieber endgueltig auch sein Glas mit gefuellt mit Dom Benedictine und faule Eier a la Benedict als Goetzenrelikt in sein ewiges schwarzes hasserfuelltes Jammertal - wer ist das, Herr Kardinal? Na, raten Sie mal.

Ein Oberhirte,der seine Schafe beim Geldzaehlen verliert,tut nie Jesus Christus Weg,sondern Mammon waehlen&sich mit der Teufelskirche vermaehlen & im Schlafe seine wenigen guten Hirten quaelen.

Ein Hirte mit einem Stab,den es eh nur der Legende nach gab,muss sich im Licht Gottes vorm Juengsten Gericht schaufeln das eigene Grab.

Wer erlaubt&gar organisiert Korruption,der hat immer schon auch Kirchenbuecher&Bankkonten frisiert&Daemonen wie Engel dressiert&abkassiert.

Wer selber luegt&betruegt,den Gott mit seiner eignen Medizin ruegt,denn er ist nur krank,weill ihm ein Haus&das Himmelreich nicht genuegt.

Vier Jahre nach Jörg Haiders Tod fallen seine politischen Erben in Kärnten vor allem mit Skandalen auf. (leo)

Wer immer nur auf Gott vertraut&auf dem Weg Jesus Christus bleibt,der findet immer den richtigen Landesteg&sich immer in Heiligkeit antreibt

Wer als Herr des Peter-Hauses Leib&Seele selbst seiner Familie verkauft,der hat auf Treibsand gebaut&selbst die Steine&Gebeine noch geklaut.


 Article and Tweets
Date: Mon, 13 Aug 2012 20:19:36 +0100


@Mother Sigrid Eliora: If you know of a crime&cannot trust the authorities due to their secret societies surrender your facts to God&He for you acts.

If delusion&power obsession belongs to a self-styled apostolic succession in regress, then it does truth redress&makes lies its vocation.

If a greedy minority of sick war phantasy takes its own secret society hierarchy for a ride,then it did blackhole money hide.

If some con uses geometry in a pentagon or hexagon to play empire he is in for God's darkest glow,when He does His face show.
