Brexit Negotiations entail Obligations of all the Nations to counteract terrorism, prevent social harm and disrupt organised criminality, and to also the most vulnerable not to fail! Frameworks and New Supranational Considerations By Countess Sigrid von Galen

Brexit Negotiations entail Obligations of all the Nations to counteract terrorism, prevent social harm and disrupt organised criminality, and to also the most vulnerable not to fail! Frameworks and New Supranational Considerations 

By Countess Sigrid von Galen

The Brexit Saga narratives turn many British Remainers and EU-citizens alike somewhat into unwanted commodities, who have suddenly been abandoned and are made to feel like they have overstayed their welcome on the very island that has John Donne as a flagship captain  stating that "No Man is an Island"...

It is high time to listen to the grown ups with their inner child intact, like Rob Wainwright, Lynne Owens, or Tim Carmichael, Peter Omand, to name but a few, in the fields of international and multi-agency law enforcement, counter-terrorism, cybersecurity, military peace keeping and making, and also to volunteer experts and victims of crimes and to the many multi-disciplinary specialists, 

who have been going numerous extra-miles in their fields to alert and warn and reshape and improve internationally the research and follow up action boundaries, goals and collaboration, and to adapt new strategies to keep up pace with the high threat level reality.

Frameworks and Out of the Box Considerations are already in place for multi-disciplinary proactive organised and white collar crime prevention, but we are all asked to contribute to sustainable and supranational security approaches and variable counter-terrorism measures by exchanging and/or sharing in many new and creative ways any information that helps to prevent also the crimes of the powerful, amongst whom there is a minority of perpetrators, who abuse their immunity.

We can only stop organised criminality and disrupt it on a wide scale, if those with diplomatic privilege and multi-national accreditation and special immunity also have to honour their status and adhere to some form of accountability. 

We live in a time, where the very legal definition of crime is being twisted by some countries, close to as it once was in Nazi Germany, where legalised lawlessness was the norm. Wherever the simple natural law of decency and human dignity is violated, there is only chaos and devastation waiting at the exit.

Historically and presently, there are the same dark forces at work, who would like to cause orchestrated anarchy and who via their secret dangerous associations have infiltrated the military, law enforcement and security agencies but also systematically positioned their mercenaries and opportunists and sleepers armies in every country to destroy unity, peace, justice and truth. They do not want true friendship nor long-term alliances for peace and prosperity and human rights - they dwell on greed as their creed and on death cult lore and a culture of secrecy enforced by the dark elusive magic of organised white collar criminality, that is connected to pockets of elitist monopoly and linked to fascist tendencies and delusions and obsessions of a new world order of supremacy.

Instead of aiding the negotiators, many political and thinktank keyplayers play chessboard games and abuse their immunity and privilege to sabotage honest and decent and sustainable solutions in as many ways as they possibly can, and are even boasting about it! Whilst those in the line of duty have a hard time to keep these evil and self-serving opportunist plotters safe, of whom some have been even subject to raids, and charges had to be dropped because the buck with their latest grand master of freemasonry or Templar stopped.

By all means - it is serious! Even some ol' boys do suddenly realise and recognise the death spiral they are in, and rather spill with their kin the beans and surrender their weapons in an amnesty, as these are no toys, when one former grand master against himself and with the masters of his lodge in The Hague and Brussels and along European ley lines testifies and to their families also the truth and justice not any longer denies...

It always makes me wonder, why the very dark force of ancient and medieval secret societies that is slithering through Europe's lanes and alleys and valleys is hardly ever even mentioned, when all those experts, who know the real reason of high treason and sabotage in any given seasipon only too well, stay silent and pay bribery in cash at a spa well, as they have secretly negotiated their very own treacherous Brexit deal! 

As General Tim Carmichael recently said in his very impressive speech at the London Techleaders' Summit: 'The sword was not made redundant by another sword but by a treacherous pen that was used for a contract of evil.' And he held up his sword into the audience, with the words I pass now on: 'And what is your point and edge, ladies and gentlemen?!' Beware of what you wish for, as you might end up in an already corrupt see with numerous a rotten fish, and then, there will be nobody left, who rescues you selflessly, if you yourself poisoned the dish, and if you stole documents as a mole and accepted bribery from a Roman or Dover or rogue agency sole.

