The Gate of Levi
by Countess Sigrid von Galen
The Gate of Levi is open to those,
who do only in peace, truth and justice but not in greed overdose.
It opens to those, whose creed is selfless service to the truth; who sing psalms and teach and live the truth, and who feed the hungry with the one good God's tenderly whispered name or with angels' tunes elevate it free of shame;
The Gate opens to those, who bring justice to the poor and who let not just Boaz tell freely his true story about his love for Ruth,
and who abandon by spooks falsified history that was written by crooks, and to those, who are living proof that true love and friendship are not a fable.
The Messiah comes only to visit them under their roof,
and will invite them to sit with him and his beloved wife around their table, where the true human beings rejoice in the truth of the most holy bridegroom and bride.
When the bridegroom
returns to his eternal beloved wife,
they renew their wedding vows again and again, and blessed, not defiled by the slavery of the ritual knife is their eternal marital bedding.
The Messiah and his wife will leave behind every bloodred see and do all their true friends, who are their family, from all evil free, and will nevermore part and make in anonymity into eternity their new start, and all missing pieces of the truth retrieve.
To pass the Gate to heaven on earth, one only must in the one good God believe and his mystery live as reality every day anew, wherever in one's kitchen hearth.
And share one's food and treat human beings with respect and behave towards holy souls with decency.
Simple - like a true smile's dimple.
Sigrid Gräfin von Galen
(Countess Sigrid von Galen)
(Countess Sigrid von Galen)
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