We have a duty to stand up to organised evil!

We have a duty to stand up to organised evil! No cup of kindness for auld Lang syne for any advocate of the devil! 

By Countess Sigrid von Galen

We have a duty to stand up to evil and speak out, if we are entrusted with the truth under privilege, and to break down the walls of strategic silence with facts, 

and to disrupt and expose the networks and acts of silently threats whispering sinister criminal organised pestilence! 

As only the victims and the perpetrators know the true extent of the evil - until one has the courage to come forward and speaks out, 

and is finally believed and supported by the authorities. Report what you know or suspect, and help investigations in several nations to bring to justice internationally committed church crimes! 

Let peace and justice come down like an avalanche on the perpetrators via the facts, and crush the spiderwebs, before they regroup and plot already in disguise of new victims support groups their next wolf in sheep clothes killing of loose ends coups! 

It is serious! As never sleeping is hell's crew, and there was more than one whistleblower murdered, 

who in a text in time the whistle blew about ritual and child abuse in many a church shore but was intercepted and slaughtered and fed as stew, 

whilst evidence was subjected by freemason grand masters to the shred...

Sigrid Gräfin von Galen
(Countess Sigrid von Galen)


Twitter:@instcrimjust @haggerstonkaleidoscope
