
Wherever vices have touched ground and replaced virtues, there have rolled over decapitated body parts and heads secret societies' even in cathedrals dices! And a George Bell was just one bishop of many, who had secretly fourth empire ambitions and cultivated dangerous associations via the Giraffe route in all church nations. By Sigrid von Galen

From the Mother Sigrid Eliora Mysteries: 'Small world, when secret societies exchange and cover up each other's notorieties internationally!' By Sigrid von Galen

Testify, testify, testify, if you have been threatened by a mercenary of some Templar, freemasonry or other such secret society and even and especially by churchwardens and their corrupt fascist bishops hierarchy! By Sigrid von Galen

Incarnations in different nations: Tatiana says to her traitor sister Olga and to Rasputin: 'One day, in a new incarnation, I will deliver you personally to your hell, in the shape and size of the law enforcement and an international authority, when I knock on your door or ring your bell!' From: The Mother Sigrid Eliora Mysteries, By Sigrid von Galen

Peanuts, Bishop/s?! If you have the guts, feed the truth to your victims, the innocent officers, the witnesses of your operations, who were killed because they were loose ends to your bottomless creed of greed and had to clear up in the line of duty unknowingly or involuntarily your mess! Go to Canossa and confess! By Sigrid von Galen

Truth will always reveal itself eventually, and there comes the time, where abuse and many a hidden crime no longer can be covered up successfully or negotiated quietly over a deal under abuse of immunity, not even and especially not, when a whole bishops hierarchy has done so continuously and once too often from Rome to Dover! By Sigrid von Galen

From a Priory's Internal Gossip: Not really elevated high-spirited elocution, when they heatedly and hurriedly discuss in a secret location, whom with their spells of hells to concuss or how best to subject their loose ends to execution before the chief torture and psychological warfare Reiki master nun, called Drusius, tries to flee to Belgium for a fee from some Confucius see! From: The Mother Sigrid Eliora Diaries, By Sigrid von Galen

Nec laudibus nec timore and forever sancta ecclesia di aeterna familia di santa amore, and the one good God Jesus Christ keeps safe with His eternal beloved wife His Holy Rose shore from the aryan heresy and every other blasphemy of any secret society and against their ritual knife! From: The Mother Sigrid Eliora Diaries, By Sigrid von Galen

Dr. Brigitta von Galen says from heaven: 'Hey, Ratzingers, was war es nun wert, das Latein, wenn unterm grossen Latinum der Roma Ecclesia sich jeder im Vatikan benimmt wie Ihr: unheilig wie ein Wildschwein?!' by Sigrid von Galen